The Springboard Project


Photos by Dan Wharton ©


Funded by Dance Hub Birmingham, Springboard supported 4 early year career artists, Jessica Butler, Yvette Owen-Salmon, Bethan Siddaway and Nathan Sinclair-Marsh, in the creation of work over a 6-month period.

The project aimed to support artists to make a sustained contribution to contemporary dance with its roots in the African diaspora as a result of a programme of action learning, mentoring and workshops from September 2023 – March 2024.

Each artist developed a unique piece of work supported by experts within and outside of ACE, and showcased their work whilst in progress at the mid-way point, and again at the end.

The project aimed to increase the artists’ confidence and to allow them to gain skills for creating, producing, promoting their work.


As a freelance artist this programme has taught me fundamental skills like how to budget for a project as well as where to get funding for future projects. Through taking part in these sessions, I’ve been able to network with practitioners and build my connections in the West Midlands’ (JB)


‘Mentoring was a major factor for me in creating my film. AJ my dance mentor was extremely helpful in bringing the choreography together. She came to every rehearsal and helped the dancers in understanding both the choreography and the mood we were trying to create. She introduced layering to me, which meant I taught the structure first and built on tope of that. Luther (Bottrelli), my film mentor, was a massive help, as film is relatively new to me. He was very helpful in figuring out the technical side of the film.’ (YOS)


‘This was a great experience and l learnt how to storyboard my composition, choreograph a work using a spatial concept to commissioned music and work with professional dancers in ACE space’ BS


‘I intend to leverage the skills and confidence gained from this project to expand my network within the West Midlands. I will continue teaching, running my dance company, training in krump and seeking funding opportunities to further develop my theatre work. I feel inspired and grateful to have had this opportunity.’ NSM